In congested cities where no new roads or rails can be constructed, we can either fly-up or travel from underground. My last article Electric plane and eVTOLs, explored the future of sustainable air transport. In this one, I want to explore future of high-speed underground transport system.
The idea of underground tunnels has been around for centuries. But in recent years the technology to dig these tunnels has vastly improved. They can be dug quickly, ecologically and relatively cheaper than before. Tunnels also help preserve open space and once constructed last forever with low maintenance.
Underground tunnels also are safe heaven in an event of nuclear attack, storms and even earthquakes. [1] Where current transport system like road, rail and water are mostly 2 dimensional. Extending this to 3 dimensional will not only helps save valuable land but also save the environment. Here’s how;
- Tunnels hides traffic away and makes it inconspicuous
- Reduces harm on human and wildlife crossing
- Negates noise and air pollution
- Protects and beautify cities
- Provide safety shelter
Why traveling underground makes sense now
With the rise of electric cars and their zero-emissions capabilities its right time for travelling underground. It solves the problem of soul-destroying traffic. And unlike flying cars, tunnels are weatherproof, out of sight and won’t fall on your head.
Tunnels minimize usage of valuable surface land and do not conflict with existing transportation systems. A large network of tunnels can alleviate congestion no matter how large a city grows, more levels of tunnels can be added.
The Boring Company
Tunnels are really expensive to dig, with many projects costing between $100 million to $1 billion per mile. Here where Elon Musk’s The Boring Company has managed to bring the cost down to approximately $10 million per mile for its Vegas Loop tunnels. [2]
The Boring Company achieves this low margin of cost by saving on building material on tunneling. In typical tunneling projects, excavated dirt is shipped off site to disposal locations. This process is costly, time-consuming, noisy, and environmentally-unsustainable.
The Boring Company recycles a portion of the muck into useful bricks. These on-site manufactured bricks are used as a portion of the tunnel lining itself, which is typically built from concrete. Since concrete production accounts for 4.5% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions.
Their all-electric tunneling machine called “Prufrock” helps construct precast concrete lining. Prufrock launches directly from the surface, mines underground, and re-emerges upon completion. This eliminates need to excavate expensive pits to launch and retrieve the machine.

The “Loop”
The Boring company unveiled the LVCC Loop system in April 2021, a 1.7 miles of tunnel under Las Vegas Convention Center. LVCC Loop’s cost was approximately $47 million for the two tunnels. LVCC Loop connects 45 minute cross-campus walk time to mere 2 minutes drive.
Loop is an express public transportation system that resembles an underground highway more than a subway system. Loop is an all-electric, zero-emissions, high-speed underground public transportation system in which passengers are transported to their destination with no intermediate stops.

But this first project from The Boring Company is bit of smokes and mirrors. Its goal is to move 4400 people per hour. Calculating with regular 62 Tesla cars used without Autopilot driving at 30mph instead of targeted 150mph. This project is not going achieve those target without increasing capacity and speed.
Apart from slow-speed issue there are also basic safety objective not considered like emergency exits, fire sprinklers etc. As there hasn’t been a real people event to test it due to pandemic. This may turn out as novelty for the land owners and great learning opportunity for The Boring Company for future projects.
Loop today “Hyperloop” tomorrow
Conceptualized in a 2013 by Elon Musk, [3] “Hyperloop” is system of sealed tube or tunnel with low air pressure through which a pod may travel substantially free of air resistance or friction. With minimum energy usage, it could potentially convey people or objects at expected speed over 760 mph (1,200 kmh) .
Several companies around the world are working on Hyperloop, trying to bring this concept to reality. Forefront in competition is Sir Richard Branson’s Virgin Hyperloop, who have tested with first passengers at their test site in Nevada, USA. Initial speed achieved in this test was 107 mph (173 kph).
But unlike Boring company’s Loop, Hyperloop tunnels need more look after to maintain near vacuum environment. Benefits of its speed and energy-saving may overrun if Hyperloop pod cannot carry same number of passengers as a flight or a train.
What if an idea of Loop and Hyperloop coming together. Using Boring company’s underground tunnels to achieve near vacuum environment for Hyperloop in future, could help reduce costs without need of new overground infrastructure.
As the benefits of underground transport are so many, safety also needs to be prime concern. In an event of breakdown, fire or terrorist attack, tunnels could be wrong place to be. Hence other technologies need to be brought together such that we don’t recreate the same problems we faced in airline travel.
Self-checkout, advance screening, automated fire hazard system and additional tunnels for emergency evacuation could help improve its immediate shortcomings. We first may see this technology implied to cargo than if successful have hope to travel in such high-speed modes one day.
Both loop and Hyperloop project are in their infancy. I think we are decades away from perfecting their respective applications. But quite certainly these early projects would pave a path to upgrade existing public transport system like rail, road and even air to make them sustainable in future.
“If things are not failing, you are not innovating enough.”
“Good ideas are always crazy until they’re not.”
Elon Musk