About Revolution Electrified

We as human species despite having ability to invent wonders and consciousness to do the right thing have continued consuming most natural resources, destroying wildlife and polluting planet.

Revolution Electrified is an initiative to share ideas about sustainable energy practices.

Keeping readers up-to-date with latest news and blog topics about Electric Vehicles, Clean Energy, Future Tech and views on Sustainable Living, whilst keeping things exciting of-course.

Why the name Revolution Electrified?

World was going in right path with the use of electricity but took a wrong turn a century of ago when it got addicted to burning fossil fuels as a cheap, polluting and limited energy resource.

But in last decade due to advancement in battery technology there is a rise of Electric Transport. As if we have got a second chance to set the path in right direction for next generation to come.

Electric Vehicles are not the solution but are getting the world economy streamlined by adaptation of more renewable clean energy and the use of recycled battery materials.

Revolution to electrify society will give raise to infrastructure for total electrification. Renewable energy was always a no-brainer as a free resource from a giant ball of fire in the sky and infinite amount of wind and waves.

It can all be harnessed to support all the energy needs of humanity times over. We have the ability and technology to do this in current times and remove the dependency over fossil fuels.

We can’t continue to burn stuff for survival. Transition to electrify everything is an immediate part of saving us from the looming Climate Crisis. Let’s take this opportunity to save the planet one step at a time. 

It’s a Revolution which is Electrified and we must join it to save our planet as the Climate Clock is ticking (below). All we need is public awareness to mass adopt sustainable energy practices. 


“When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor.”

Elon Musk


Revolution Electrified aims to provide impartial view of news and topics with end goal of self-sustainable life and a better future.


Revolution Electrified has a vision where society has solved basic issues with energy, transport and sustainable living.


Revolution Electrified will explores and help answer people’s questions with adaptation to EVs and green energy options.